Five books recommendations for Artificial Intelligence (AI)

AI is rapidly alteration the way we reside and do business, which leaves abounding business leaders acting like they are disturbing to accumulate clip with developments. As such, business leaders generally ask me for tips on acclaim annual – they wish to apperceive which books will advise them to accept the AI revolution, butt its appulse on our apple and plan for an AI-driven future.

I apprehend a lot about AI, for my consulting work, and added afresh as analysis for my latest book 'Artificial Intelligence in Practice' and, of course, because of I acquisition the accountable fascinating. I would say I have devoured appealing abundant every key AI book that's been appearing in the endure decade.

My plan for this commodity was to appoint the single best Book on AI – as in if you could alone apprehend one, which Book should it be? However, honestly, it was just too tricky to attenuated down my favorites to one book!

Instead, I action you my top five. In my view, these are the actual best AI books that are accessible appropriate now. All focus on the implications of AI for business and association (as against to the nitty-gritty tech ancillary of AI). So if you are absorbed in the abeyant appulse of AI, or how AI is traveling to transform every aspect of our world, I awful acclaim these five books.

By Byron Reese, appear May 2018

This alluring Book argues that AI will accept astronomic implications for the animal race, to the admeasurement that it will redefine what it agency to be human. As background, Reese sets out the antecedent three ages breadth technology has adapted altruism and sets up AI and robotics as the fourth age of transformation. In added words, it is an arresting (and decidedly optimistic) annual of how we got breadth we are today, and how we should access the new age that's aloft us.

Best for: Understanding what AI will beggarly for us as a species, after accepting sucked into a doom-and-gloom dystopian fantasy.

By Max Tegmark, appear July 2018

One of Barack Obama's admired books of 2018 and called Book of the Year by both The Times and The Daily Telegraph, this awful accepted Book added than lives up to the hype.

In it, Tegmark, who is a physicist and cosmologist, sets out to abstracted AI belief from absoluteness in an attainable and active way. Impressively, he manages to awning some arduous capacity and questions (How can we actualize an added affluent apple through automation? How can we assure AI systems from hacking and abominable use?) after getting too aesthetic or dumbing down – and after cogent the clairvoyant what to think.

Best for: Facilitating challenging, absorbing conversations about AI, whether you wish to affect association about the baptize acknowledgment or abet austere AI action discussions.

By Yuval Noah Harari, appear March 2017

Following on from his accident hit Sapiens, which explored how the animal chase evolved, Harari peeks into the not-too-distant approaching to see what is in abundance for the animal race. Artificial activity is just one allotment of this envisioned world, and Harari explores an ambit of added challenges, including immortality. If you enjoyed Sapiens (I mean, who did not?), this aftereffect is a must-read.

Best for: Combining harder science with general aesthetic questions about animal identity. One to accomplish you feel smarter!

By Kai-Fu Lee, appear January 2019

In one of the lots of contempt books I have to apprehend (at the time of autograph this article), Lee argues that acknowledgment to China's incredible advance in this area, it now rivals the US in AI technology. For both of these superpowers, and absolutely the blow of the world, this agency affecting business and civic changes will hit us eventually than anyone could imagine.

If all-around backroom is not your thing, do not be put off. Lee paints a real clear account of what this accretion AI antagonism will beggarly for absolute people's jobs.

Best for Understanding which jobs (both dejected collar and white collar) are a lot of acceptable to be afflicted by AI, and which jobs can be added with AI.

By Paul Daugherty and H. James Wilson, appear March 2018

Daugherty and Wilson are Accenture's Chief Technology and Innovation Officer and Managing Director of IT and Business Research, giving this Book a laser-like focus on the business implications of AI – or, added specifically, how companies are applying AI to innovate and grow.

Key to this Book is the abstraction that no business activities will be larboard clear by AI. Across all areas of business, bodies and able machines are alive added carefully calm and alteration how companies operate. Indeed, the authors set out six amalgams 'human + machine' roles that they accept every business have to put in place.

Best for Providing an applied adapt for business leaders who wish to capitalize on the AI revolution.

I achievement you have enjoyed my recommended annual account and, as always, I would adulation to apprehend your views. Let me apperceive what you anticipate about the books and which added ones you would add to this list.

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